Well, I have been lightly getting back into training, as you can see by my training log on the right side of my blog, though my leg would think otherwise of the "lightly" bit. It's giving me some grief, so I am trying to keep mileage, pace, and goals modest. I signed our family up with The Toledo Roadrunners, a local running organization that puts on a bunch of local races, including the Glass City Marathon that I ran last year. Going to try and get more shorter distance races in this year. I also signed Tammy and I up for her first half marathon, the Bayshore Half Marathon, in Traverse City on May 23rd. This will actually be my first half marathon as well. I will run it with her, and me, to finish her first half marathon. There are a bunch of folks from my online running community,
RunningAHEAD, who will also be there for the race that weekend so, we will be able to meet up with some of them and hang out, which I am really looking forward to as well. I just found out that one of them will be Phil Mishka, the guy on the bike that helped me get through to the finish of my marathon last year. That is awesome! I'm really excited about that! Kirsten, my online running buddy from RunningAHEAD and the blog,
Zoomylicious, will also be there to lead the social charge. Tammy and I will be running our first Toledo Roadrunners race in February, on Valentine's Day, the "Get Luckey 5K" in Luckey, Ohio. The women get a 3 minute head start in the race and men and women placement are in the combined age groups for the finish. Should be a lot of fun. That's about it for now. Gotta head out for a run before the temps dump out like they are supposed to today. Going from about 34 right now down to a low of 2! Ugh. Gotta love Michigan winters! Have a wonderful day and week everyone!