Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Roughing It

So, when I mention on here that we will be camping, it's not really *roughing it* style camping. We have a lovely home on wheels that we are blessed to camp in. This week Tammy, the girls and I are taking a *working vacation*. We're camping out at Totem Pole Park, which is in Petersburg, MI, just 13 miles from our home. We'll go about the business of our lives during the day and convene at the campground in the afternoon/evening. The fire department I serve on will have a family picnic out there on Saturday at a swimming-friendly pond-side pavilion. Friends and family will be stopping by during the week too to visit or have dinner together. This morning I rode my bike back home to get my inspections in order for tomorrow and cut the grass at home, then I'll ride back to the campground. Twenty six miles round trip, ironically enough. Tammy drove back to work and drop Lindsey off at summer band this morning, then they'll come back this afternoon.

Here's our comfy home away from home at the campground last evening after getting set up.
And another shot from the other side.

Carsen making himself at home in our home away from home. Hey! Wait a minute! That's our bed! Bad dog! Tammy, waiting for me to quit playing camera-guy to go for a walk in the campground last evening before the girls came out and dinner. The mosquitoes are horrible, btw. Bummer.

The ever-lovely and talented, TLV, whipping up some camping viddles for the fam.

Chelsea had to work last night till 8 and Lindsey had basketball drills so, the two of them drove out after Chels got off work and cleaned up. Tammy and Chels playing *Speed* and Linds lovin' on Carsen. Not sure what the score was between the two of them. Tammy's pretty good at *Speed*. After that we started teaching the girls Euchre.

We hit the sack around 11 - 11:30. The girls were laughing it up in their bunk and shakin' the trailer, and being silly. I thought about telling them to knock it off, settle down, and get quiet so their mother could get to sleep, but the truth of the matter was... I wasn't annoyed by their carrying on whatsoever. It was nice to hear them goofing off together, laughing, and just being silly together as sisters. Thanks for that moment Lord. :)
Off to cut the grass now...

1 comment:

Mom on the Run said...

That sounds fantastic! My family used to do that but at my Grandma's cottage in Grand Haven. Now, it's too far for us to commute back and forth so we just go and enjoy.

It's funny you mention teaching the girls Euchre. The girls are at about Slap Jack speed, more Go Fish, etc. I told Kate that in a couple of years we would teach her how to play Euchre.

Glad to hear you're out of da' boot and getting in your own version of a marathon. Hang in there.