For those of you that check my blog with any regularity, my apologies for the slothiness (word?) of the blog in the recent past. We went camping at Pokagon State Park in northeast Indiana over the Memorial Day weekend holiday and then when we got home Memorial Day on Monday, I backed the trailer into its resting spot at home, unpacked, Tammy got some laundry done, I re-packed, and then headed down to Columbus, Ohio for work Memorial Day evening. Whew! The pic is of the south side of the City of Columbus taken from the balcony of my company's apartment building I have been staying in for the last week+. I had to come down to help out our Ohio staff because business down this way has been much busier than up my way in the Detroit-area. I still get all of my assigned work up there while I am down here though so, I am, and will be hopping for a while playing catch up. It's been great though as I love coming down to Columbus! It's a wonderful city and, our office (pictured below) is in the heart of the "Brewery District" in the "German Village" area of the City of Columbus. It's a very vibrant part of the city and lots of neat things to see and do, though I haven't had much time to partake in any entertainment-type activities.
So, I have been down here for one week exactly today. I have been putting in a lot of hours, but was able to entertain Tammy (DW = Dear Wife) and Lindsey (DYD = Dear Youngest Daughter) this past weekend as they both came down to join me for the weekend. We were able to get in lots of fun together dining out at Hoggy's barbeque and then ice cream at Graeter's in Westerville on Friday night, then a trip to the Columbus Zoo (a very nice zoo to enjoy for any of you who may ever come here with *littles* or any person of any age really) and Easton Towne Center - a large o
utdoor shopping mall northeast of the city, on Saturday, followed by dinner at Kobé Japanese Steakhouse that evening. Both DW and DYD had never eaten at a Japenese steakhouse and both of them enjoy shushi so, that was a neat treat I was able to have them partake in. Lindsey has some really great posts with pictures over at her blog, Lindsissweet, about our camping weekend and her trip down to Columbus to visit DOD (Dear Old Dad). :) I was really greatful for them to have come down as it does get lonely in the *down times* of not working when out of town. I know... waaaa, waaaa, waaaa. I was so melancholy yesterday when they left following breakfast, I worked from the time they left until 2:00 a.m. this morning with just a quick dinner break in the evening. So, that is what I've been up to for the past 10 days or so and... that's my story... and I'm sticking to it. :)On the running front... no running. For those of you who haven't followed my blog religiously and aren't aware, first of all - SHAME ON YOU! Just kidding... I have had a suspected stress fracture in my right lower leg (distal, medial tibia for your anatomically-knowledgeably gifted or medical-types) which I *somewhat knowingly* ran my first marathon with (which this blog was created to chronicle) with, which surprisingly did NOT make it better. So, I have been on the bench/D.L. since that date and have recently seen a sports med doc who put me in this fashionable bootie-type splint to take the weight bearing off my right lower leg to allow it to heal. Unfortunately, the nature of my work is such that I must do a lot of driving and walking - neither of which I can do whilst doning this oh so fashionable boot. But alas, I have been wearing it in my down time and I believe it is doing some good in helping my leg to heal. It is still sore in the suspected fracture site, but not like it was when, if touched, I would go through the roof like Charlie and Willy Wonka in the glass elevator of the Chocolate Factory. So, if you have been, please continue to pray for the continued healing of my leg to full restoration and that I don't do anything stupid (who me?!?) to bugger it up. If you haven't been, please do. If you aren't prone to praying that's ok too, I totally accept healing thoughts and vibes as well. ;-)
So, there you have it... Jack has been a very dull boy over the past week+ as, all work and no play - well, other than when DW and DYD visited over the weekend - make Jack a dull boy. Now, Jack has 60+ inspections to upload that he saw last Friday and today so, off to the fun stuff... I need to stop monkeying around with this blogging stuff and get back to work! I pray you all are well! Thanks for caring enough to check in on me!XOXO~Ricky JoeTami Sue... you still readin'?p.s. - I miss you Tammy, Chelsea, and Lindsey ;-)
No wonder you've been absent at RA--you've been too busy to post!
Glad your holiday away went so well and that part of your family has been able to come visit you as you work away from home.
And I am especially happy to hear that your leg seems to be showing some healing progress. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed in hopes that it continues. Any idea how much longer before you can start carefully running, again?
I don't know, K. I have to schedule an appointment with the doc when I get back from Columbus. I am still walking gingerly on it. Though I think I could run on it, I think I would quickly be back to doing rapid damage to my leg with any running/stresses on it. Personally, I think I have a ways to go time-wise for enough healing to have occurred to think about running on it again.
Thanks for checking in on me. :)
Hi Rick- still reading and checking in, mostly too busy and lazy to take time to comment (sorry)! Sounds like you had a couple great weekends!`Sorry to hear about your leg, i will say a prayer and send vibes too!!LOL!
Hi Rick! I'm one of those folks who "shamefully" is behind on ALL of my blog reading. I'm so sorry to learn that your injury turned out to be a stress fracture; however, at least you know 'what' it is now and can recover appropriately. You'll be back better than ever... I just know it! It's been 8 weeks since my DH had his accident and the trauma docs finally cleared him yesterday to return to work AND exercise. He's been running around like an unchained animal ever since!
So... when do we get to see a picture of your super stylish stress fracture bootie?
There you are!!! Been wondering where you had gotten off to.
Don't rush things with that leg. It will heal up in it's own time and be ready before you know it.
BTW-Nice view from the company apartment.
I check daily...sadly there was nothing to comment on....continually prayin for your leg
tami sue
Thanks, Jess. We saw Keira's hair tonight. It looks cute! Nice job on the cut.
Sherry, that is such GREAT news about your husband! I'm so happy to hear that he can get back to his regular activities now. I'll see what I can do about the stylin' boot pic. ;) Thanks for stopping in. :)
Sorry, Alan, I should have put a quick blurb about going camping and being gone for work for an extended period of time. I won't try and get on the leg prematurely. I'm too nervous of re-injuring it. I'm already strategizing in my head my come back mileage plan though. It will be a nice and easy come back for quite a while once I'm cleared to start running again.
I know, Tami Sue, I've been pretty lame (no pun intended) with my blogging. I really have been quite busy though, and will continue to be with additional work for the next couple of weeks. I'll try and get some quickies posted with more frequency though. Lindsey says my posts are too long anyway. Thanks for coming by, it's good to hear from you. Hope you and the clan are doing well. :)
Hey, you stop apologizing for your slothiness in posting, and I'll not apologize for my slothiness in following your blog. :-)
Glad you hear you're slightly better with the leg...just keep it under control and do NOT even think about running! You will be better before you know it.
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