In October of last year, I determined to do just that and selected the Glass City Marathon, in Toledo, Ohio on 04/13/2008 as my first marathon goal and that I would run this marathon in honor of my 35 year old cousin, Cassy, who has severe cerebral palsy and has never been able to take a step in her life. I chose this race for three reasons: 1. It is virtually in my backyard, so I was fairly certain that I would have some great personal fan support which I knew I would need and, would not have to travel. 2. It is a small race in terms of the number of runners, and, 3. It is not a well-supported fan race so, though I thought I would have good fan support, the race would be more about me and the marathon, if that makes sense.
I chose the Hal Higdon Intermediate II marathon training plan as for my training plan as it seemed to suit my present conditioning and needs for this race. I wasn't wanting to make this really technical from a training aspect and this plan just seemed to sensibly build mileage, strategically toughening you up at its peak of 50 miles per week 3 times during the course of the 18 week plan.
As many of you know, I began experiencing excruciating right lower leg pain in the inside aspect of my shin about 3 inches above the inside of my ankle following Week 11 of my training plan, my first 50 mile week. The pain I would relate to feeling like someone had struck me full-force in the leg with a sledge-hammer without shattering my leg. I took a week off, and rested, iced, elevated, and ibuprofened to see if I was able to get back at it. It worked to the extent that I was able to pick up my training runs, but I knew that I would have to be very conservative in the balance of my training for the remaining 6 weeks of training prior to the race. I cut out some of the longer runs and basically just did what I could without aggravating my leg too much so that I could continue training. With lots of babying, ice, ibuprofen (I know, Trent, not good for me), and prayer, I was able to get myself to the starting line.

I had the cool pleasure of meeting up with JakeKnight (aka Eric), a fellow RA user, who came up from Nashville to run the race as well. I first met up with him and his fiance, Kelly, with my wife, Tammy, at the running "expo", if one can call a few tables with some stuff and some t-shirts an expo, in Toledo on Saturday afternoon.
Tammy and my "shoe lady", Liz, from Dave's Running Shop, who has been just wonderful in working with us on getting proper shoes, was also at the expo manning a table for the shop and would be running the second half of the marathon on race day as part of a two-person team.

I was now on the south side of the river heading west through the city of Rossford toward Perrysburg. The next several miles were pretty uneventful. The wind and icy snow was coming from my right rear so, it really wasn't bothersome during most of the first half of the race at all. I took some more water at mile 4 and sometime between mile 4 and 6 my right lower leg started hurting me progressively more. Normally, on my longer runs in the past, the pain would start out badly and would actually subside to more tolerable levels the further into my runs. This would not be the case this day. I came upon Leo and Vicki around the 5 mile relay exchange mark and they were cheering me on and encouraging me. My posse, now all loaded up in Dianna's van with the addition of my oldest daughter, Chelsea, and her friend, Amelia, caught up with my around mile 6. If you look at the girls' signs, each would yell what was on them, "Go!", "Dad!", "Exclamation Point!". They were a riot!

I was pretty sapped by the time I got back across to the north side of the river and made an immediate left turn on the first sidestreet, then west a couple blocks, north one, and then west again heading down a residential street that turns into the entrance to Sidecut Metro Park in Maumee, Ohio. I was pretty tired from the bridge and the exposure and grasping in my head for something to pick me up knowing that I wasn't even half way through the race. A guy on his bike on the sidewalk to my left yelled out my name. I looked up and, after a second, realized it was Phil Mishka, another fellow runner from RA! He got the next pic of me about mile 11.5 and then rode alongside of me for about a mile and a quarter as we chit-chatted. It totally took my mind off of how I had been feeling and I was rejuvenated heading further into Sidecut Metro Park for the about 2.5 mile out and back portion of the race. Phil was a God-send at this part of the race!

There was an aid station just after the turn-around and I took some Gatorade. I chatted with a woman for about a half mile while along this stretch trying to preoccupy myself with something other than the miserable conditions we were running in and how progressively sorer my leg was becoming. I thought about Cassy and the fact that I was running this because I could, and she could not. I thought about all my friends, family, and blogging and RA running friends that were thinking about and praying for me, and I tried to maintain my pace into the driving wind. I got to the aid station at mile 16 still remarkably maintaining around a 9:30 pace and saw a couple of Chelsea's XC teamates and their mom, Kate, Erinn, and Mrs. Calhoun, manning the aid station there and cheering for me. It was good to see some familiar faces and to have them cheering me on! After all, I've been doing it for them for years now!
Finally, I was coming up the hill that took me out of Sidecut Metro Park! It seemed like I was down in there forever! I was now back in the city of Maumee and now heading up Dudley Road toward River Road around mile 17 to head back into downtown Toledo. My leg was really starting to hurt me and I lost a lot of wind in my sails from my journey into and out of Sidecut, but I was still maintaining a 9:45 pace. Phil got this next photo of me as well and, I barely even remember him taking it, although I must have known he was because I was faking it and, giving him a thumbs up. Hehe.

I walked on, for the first time in the race, to make sure that it didn't cramp up right away again, knowing that my ability to run the rest of the race through was done. My head was racing thinking of what I could do, of reading someone's Columbus Marathon report that this happened to as well in the latter stages of the race and not being able to do anything about it. Gambles must have called the Johnston posse van, because they had turned around and come back and were at an intersection ahead of me when Tammy got out of the ran and ran up the sidewalk to me. There was such a look of concern on her face for me that it overwhelmed me. She was nearly in tears telling me I was gonna be fine, that I could do this, that I would finish. I began jogging again hobbled by my right leg pain and the cramp and she jogged along with me on my right telling me how proud she was of me. I was in tears and looked over at her and just said, "I love you soooo much." She cried and again, encouraged me and told me how proud she was of me.
She asked if I was going to be ok and I said I would be fine. She said they were going to go on ahead to the finish and that she'd see me at the finish. I said, "Ok, I'll see you at the finish." The Johnston van posse headed off to the finish and I continued on as best I could with Gambles next to me. They drove on up ahead a bit and Leo and Vicki pulled up by me. Vicki asked if there was anything they could do and I again jokingly asked for a fresh paid of unbroken legs. They laughed. My fleece gloved hands were soaked and frozen to the bone as were my feet and Leo said he had a pair of Gortex mittens in the car and Vicki said she also had a pair of Gortex gloves and asked if I would like them. I was all over that! Vicki swapped me the gloves and immediately my hands felt better which made me feel slightly better as well. They went on ahead.
The next few miles were mostly walking with some lame joggin, in a literal sense due to the pain in my right leg, until I would have another cramp, which were now playing no favorites and gladly moved to my left leg as well to "balance things out" and "keep things fair" with my right leg. Friend, Tim Dawes, had now shown up on the course and was cheering me along as well. Fellow firefighter and friend, Matt Menchaca, and his wife, Amy, were also along this horrible stretch of race to encourage me onward. Gambles kept with me as well. I did the best I could to jog when I could.
It was the darkest period/stretch of running that I have ever been through. I was still more than 4 miles out and thought about bagging the race at this point and hopping in Gamble's van and taking a DNF for the race. I was hurting so very badly and just wanted to get out of the weather and warmed. I thought about Cassy. I thought about the miles and miles I had run over the winter in snow and ice and wind and rain and sleet. I thought about all the people that were pulling for and praying for me, many of you who are reading this right now. I determined not to quit. I had come too far and this race was not just for me, but for Cassy, my family who have put up with all my training and complaining, and all of you as well that came alongside of me to support me and encourage me in this endeavor. I plodded on remembering a saying related to me in my mens' group from church a few years ago... "forward is forward." It made a great deal of sense to me at that point.
Gambles left me at just under 4 miles to go stating they were heading to the finish. I continued on entirely on my own alternating walking as fast as I could and jogging when I felt my body would hold up to it. Race participants in front of and behind me were doing the same... just doing what they could at that moment to press on to the finish. At one of the next major intersections, there was a cop tying one of the runner's shoes because he was either too sore to bend over and do it himself, or his hands were too cold that he could not do it for himself. I got inside mile 24 I think and was feeling quite lonely and desperate to be done and out of the weather. That is when I looked up and saw Phil on his bike at an upcoming intersection!
I was stunned and overjoyed! He ended up rolling along on his bike next to me as I either (mostly) walked or jogged chatting about our running, our families, our work, our injuries, our goals. Before I knew it he was telling me I was coming to the sidewalk to make a right onto which would lead down to the riverside sidewalk to make a left onto and down toward the finish. We headed down the sidewalk toward the river, he said Tammy was up ahead at the corner of where the sidewalks meet. I was so delirious, I didn't really even realize who was there. Phil said that he was going to leave me now with my family and friends and I thanked him as he departed toward the finish on his bike. He was most certainly an angel on two wheels for me that day in addition to all of my other friends and family that were out there.
I met Tammy at the corner of the sidewalks, I think she asked me if I was ok, I think I said that I was and was ready to jog in. I had about a quarter of a mile left to the finish. She began jogging with me and as we got up the riverwalk a ways, my whole posse out along the race course that day joined with me telling me I could do it, they were so proud of me, handing me a "This Runs for You Cassy" sign and, as I turned the last corner heading away from the river toward the finish chute, I could hear the race announcer saying, "and here comes first time marathoner, Rick Velich, 41, from Temperance and, this run's for you, Cassy!"
I made a right turn up the walk and jogged into the finish chute in around 4:38:00. The race volunteers tore off my race bib info, gave me my medals and a mylar blanket, and I came out of the chute to the congratulatory hugs of my family and friends, and my new friend, Eric, who had graciously hung around after finishing his own race nearly an hour earlier. I think he was still hypothermic as was I after finishing my first marathon. Eric and my friends encouraged me to get inside the hotel and get some food in me, which I gladly did because it was warm and dry and I was exhausted and couldn't stop my uncontrollable shivering. I was now a marathoner. It was a very good day.

Edited 04/15/08 (Happy Tax Filing Deadline Day everyone!) to add the link to my running log notes and race splits times here for anyone interested in seeing the crash and burn finish "on paper". :)
The official race results are also here on this link.
Congrats, Rick. What a terrific race report! The pics are fantastic, too.
What a wonderful accomplishment. I'm sure you're well proud of yourself.
Take care and let us know how that leg is doing!
Thanks, Mar! My inspirational friend. ;-)
I go to the doc tomorrow. We'll see from there.
Nice job again out there, buddy. You said you were hurting, but I had no idea how much. You definitely didn't let on just how tough it was. You have a lot to be proud of. You'll always have this. Good luck on a speedy recovery with that leg.
AWESOME job, Rick!!! I think when I read these race reports from now on, I'm going to grab a box of Kleenex! :o) This one had me in tears too! Just knowing all of the hard work and determination that it took for your training, especially through this MI winter, and all the hours spent on the roads alone is enough to appreciate your accomplishment. But then pair it up with the weather at the race and the problems you faced, it's remarkable.
I was really touched by all of the support you received, especially your wife running up to you when the pain started taking over, encouraging you to go on. And Mishka, the "angel on two wheels". You wrote what I thought! Funny how he appeared at just the right times.
I know that Cassy is proud of you. I hope that she finds strength in you as you found strength in her!
CONGRATULATIONS friend!! You, along with all the others from RA, are such an inspiration. I hope your leg will be alright; let us know how it goes at the dr's.
Rick - All I can say is WOW. What a way to tough it out through the pain and the weather. Unbelievable!
It was great to see so many supporters were there to cheer you on and get you over the finish line. You made all of them proud.
Rest up - and heal up completely so you can run another one in the future :-)
I so wish I could have been there!
Thanks so much for sharing the detais you did. The part about Tammy showing concern and encouragement and running with you brought tears to my eyes! Too cool! But tell Tammy she is making me look like a fool in the office with watery eyes.
I'm very proud of you Ricky! I love you bro!
Wow! I am so incredibly proud of you right now. That was a seriously tough race, Rick. The weather conditions alone, not to mention the severe leg pain and cramping. I even got a cold chill just looking at you and JK at the start line and how cold it looked! What a great race report! Reading this I felt like I was right there next to you.
I cannot believe you were able to run through that kind of about HTFU!! You have been so dedicated and determined in your training. I have been so inspired!
I am so happy for you that you could finish this race in honor of Cassy. You should be so incredibly proud of your accomplishment and determination. Congratulations on becoming a MARATHONER!!!
Beautiful...way to HTFU! We're all so proud of you. And now you truly are a marathoner--with official race report and all!
Great job Rick. Way to hang in there.
So proud of you Ricky Joe...stop making us cry!
tami sue
Rick I love the last line of your post..."It was a very good day." Gee, ya THINK??? :-D
Congrats again--very nice work, and way to stick with it. Your report was great, and so was your race!
I'm all teared up reading your report. It sounds like you faced almost every type of obstacle you could possibly imagine and overcame them all. I'm so proud of your race, especially because the thoughts you shared of Cassy and others overcoming challenges really helped get me through my own first marathon. You're a very strong person, and obviously a well-loved one with the size of that cheering squad who was willing to be out there all day for you in those conditions. Thanks for sharing the report, take care of the leg and again, amazing run.
Just read your race report - you made me cry again!! We are soo proud of you, Rick!!
Love ya - Mom
Way to go Rick!!! And what a great support crew you had out there. So much love and support- that's awesome.
And you my friend, are awesome. Great job.
Thank you everyone for the kind comments. This would not have been possible without the encouragement of most of you. Thank you.
Way to go Rick! Reading your race report, I was pulling for you every step of the way and even cried along with you at the end. It's so cool you had so much family and friends' support running along side of you. Congrats.
Karen T.
Oh wow, Rick! After reading your race report I feel like I just ran the entire thing with you... all of the ups and downs, the cold, your pain... your perseverance! I'm thoroughly "wowed" and so very happy for you! I got chills when I got to the part where the announcer proclaimed, "This Run's for you, Cassy!" How awesome is that???
Enjoy your recovery time... and take GOOD care of your leg. I hope that it's nothing too serious.
PS- To my newbie running eyes, your splits were excellent! :o)
you are AMAZING! Congrats again and again. An incredible first marathon...thank you so much for being so inpsiring and encouraging. Well done!
You know I not a man of many words (that's why I married mom) but your posting yesterday was quite moving. I know we felt a lot of your pain waiting at the finish line for you. You are truely an insperation to all. You have so much faith, hope and love and it show on Sunday. I am truely proud you are my son.
Love, Dad.............
Thanks, Dad. That means a great deal to me coming from my hero. I love you too!
I meant to write a couple of days ago. Your race report was awesome and so inspiring. Great job all around.
How has your first week as a marathoner gone? How is the leg?
Rick, jlynnbob from RA here. I'll add my congrats to you, a marathoner. Awesome job of capturing the spirit of such an undertaking for others to share, be inspired by, etc. My experiences have prepared me for the tears from reading your report, but not for the comments from your dad. Thanks to the whole family for that...
I am honored to receive mention in your report.
Rest well,
Congratulations on your accomplishment!
Bob Z.
What can I say other than "you failed miserably?" I originally rated your RunningAHEAD report an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10 but I'm afraid I have to downgrade your score to 10.99999999. You failed miserably to convey the miserably miserable misery on the course. Ships have been lost at sea in better conditions.
It's a good thing that Jake's Flying Monkey experience qualifies him as a misery expert, otherwise your internet fans would never know the true extent of your amazing effort. We all owe Quasimodo a tremendous debt of gratitude for painting such a vivid picture of miserably miserable misery.
You've gone beyond inspiring people to be better runners, you inspire people to be better people. You da man.
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