As mentioned in the last post as well, I have also been on an emotional roller-coaster this week (sorry family). I'm euphoric one moment and, the next, utterly dark and desperate. I've expected this as well from what I have read. I think my nature, as a pretty emotionally unguarded person, plays right into this as well.
I am so excited for this race, for running it in Cassy's honor, for facing this giant, for overcoming my injury-adversity, that I cannot wait to get to the starting line! I've still had my moments of self-doubt though. That heading off into the unknown, uncharted territory, those last never before run 5.2 miles that may not bring to it the kind of ending I have prepared, prayed, and hoped for come Sunday. Those nagging little "what if's". They don't last long and haven't had a strong impact on me, but they are still present. That is why your comments, your encouragement, those signs made by Mrs. Holmes's (I'm not sure about the whole s - non-plural possessive thingy so, if I am incorrect in what I have been typing, please forgive me. Besides, it's my blog and I can type how I want to. Hmm, sounds like there might be a song in there?!?) students, and your offers of prayer and support mean the world to me at this point. Your confidence builds mine. "You raise me upppppppp, so I can climb a mountain..." Sorry, another song came to mind.
But seriously, for all of you that have come along for the ride, that have taken the time to share in this journey of mine, to offer kind words of love and support, please know how truly thankful I am for you. When I reflect back on this journey and beginning my training back in October, it just seems surreal. All those training runs beginning in heat and humidity, in driving winds and rain, squeezing a 9 mile run in after work on a Friday night in the dark and cold, and long runs on loner Saturday mornings in the dead of a Michigan winter, through snow storms, ice, and freezing cold temps and wind chills to where my eyelids would freeze shut, from runs where I felt like I could run forever, to runs where I was hobbling so badly and my leg hurt so badly that I was literally crying out to God to take away the pain and allow me to get through my training.
The training runs almost seem as though they were high school... you know, like you were there, but now feels like you were never there at all. It all comes to a head Sunday though. Thank you to all of you - my family especially, my friends, my new online running "dot-comrades" - who have found your way to this point with me and helped me get to the starting line. Without your encouragement, I could not have gotten this far. Thank you for helping me get to where Cassy cannot. I pray the Lord blesses my efforts on her behalf this Sunday and that, in some way, through me, she is able to feel the wind on her face, her legs and feet moving beneath her, and her arms pumping ever closer toward that finish line with every step.
Thank you again everyone, from the bottom of my heart.
"I can do all things, through Christ who strenghtens me."
Phillipians 4:13
I have faith in you my friend. Me and Jeremy love you and are encouraged by you more than you think, even though we sometimes don't say it. Our little prayers and thoughts of you are there, and besides we are not much of bloggers sorry. We are behind you all the way and both are so disappointed that we can not be there on Sunday to cheer you on, but you will be prayed for along the way even though we are not there, I am so proud of you my friend you give us all strenght even though we don't always tell you. We love you man. PS we are so upset that we can not stuff ourselves with you on Sat., DUMB WORK, we will make up for it at another time. The Floyds
I know you'll do your best and I want to wish you well. This morning I was praying for you and this verse came to me to share with you.
Hbr 12:1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
Hbr 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Run on.... Karen T.
You are going to do amazing!! I know it. You are such an inspiration!! You're tough and super dedicated to this goal, you'll get through it with a smile. Good luck!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!
We are so proud of your efforts! It is amazing to see you perservere! We will be praying for you continually this weekend that God would keep you calm and ready to run the race He has prepared you for!
In Him
Tami Sue
You gave me chill bumps Rick!!!
Man- I know you are going to do well out there.
Run Strong #3210!! Not sure if they runner tracking or not but if they do I will be checking in on your progress.
Thank you Jeremy and Cindy. I love you guys with all my heart. I know you'll be with me in spirit and prayer. We WILL get to do another dinner at the Frog Leg soon, for sure! Love you guys!
Thank you Karen for the prayers and the verses. I actually think of this one often and it is a great reminder of where my real focus needs to be.
Thank you, Sara. You're the inspiration! :-P I pray I am as successful in my first marathon race as you were. I don't think I can match your smiles though.
Thank you, Tami Sue, and the rest of the Evans-Gang! I so appreciate your thoughts and prayers. As you know, all the honor and glory goes to our Father in heaven. Not many more running posts to write about before I can diversify a bit more for you Tami Sue!
Thank you, Alan! Can you teach me how to be as fast as you?!? LOL Unfortunately, I am fairly certain that they do not have runner tracking for this race as it is a relatively small and obscure one, which was actually one of the factors in my choosing it for my first, along with it being in my backyard. I will at least post my finish on my blog here asap, cause I know what it's like waiting to find out how someone did in a race, pacing the hall like an expectant father (I won't mention any names, but her initials are... SARA). :)
As someone on RA wisely said, "the hay is in the barn." Jeffgoblue also likes to pull out that "tanned, rested, and ready" line. You are SO ready for are gonna do fabulously!
As many have said, you've put in the time, done the work, and now it is time to enjoy the experience. Take it all in!
I know you'll be thinking of your cousin all the way. Here's another image that might put a smile on your face.
Think of all of us blogosphere friends following you just like in the Verizon commercials. We're all there with you, backing you up and cheering you on.
I'll be thinking of you and praying for you Sunday. Run long and strong!!!
You're right, Zoomy... the snow, sleet, and ice-covered hay is indeed in the barn. I did tan, rest, almost get shot at, have a couple of vehicle break-downs, and get ready in Florida as well! Let's do this thing! ;-)
Thanks, Karen. I am going to do my best to simply take it all in and enjoy the experience. I love the image in my head of all these blogospere'ers following behind me as a support group. I'm sure that image will come to mind more than a few times during my race. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Go - Go - Go!!!
You will do awesome..... just two nights away!
Thank you, Tim.
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