Saturday, April 5, 2008


When I got home yesterday from work, this is how I found my DYD (dear youngest daughter) and DOG (dog). Again, dad does not condone the doggy use of the couch, but since he is on it more than I am, I guess I best get used to it. Glad you two had a relaxing afternoon following a hard day at school (for Linds) and a hard day laying around sleeping (for Carsen).


Mar said...

Even Todd got a giggle out of that pic!!! That's great:)

I'd love an afternoon like that. Laying on my back, arms/legs straight up in the air just begging for someone to rub my tummy:) Oh and Lindsey looks mighty comfy herself!

Mom on the Run said...

Hey! Hope this Monday goes much better than last Monday. Just think, next Monday you will be forever known as a marathoner!!

Take it easy! You've done the training leading up to this weekend! Just take care of yourself.


Rick said...

Isn't that the truth, Mar! It'd be so wonderful to just lounge around and have your tummy rubbed.

Thanks, Karen! I won't be on the road today for work so, there should be no work mishaps. I did get a new camera at OfficeMax this weekend. I don't know if today will be better though as I have to pick up all the doggy-waste in the backyard that has been deposited ALL winter. Looks like another crappy Monday afterall, eh? :)

Thanks for the thoughts and encouragement on the marathon. I do pray that I am able to call myself a "marathoner" a week from today. Oh, and... that I can still walk! :)